Archive for the 'Apple' Category

When I Joined Apple

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

When I joined Apple in May, 1996, the company was filled with geniuses who were trying to invent the future. Despite that brilliance, Apple was failing. I came on board because I was young, had just started using a Macintosh, and I knew something great was happening. I was eager to find out what it […]

Can’t Catch Me

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

  The future of software is on the web. That’s what they keep telling me. I just smile, and say “I don’t think so. There will always be compelling technologies on the desktop.” I believe this, but I admit it carries an odor of blind loyalty to my comfort zone. People who argue the other […]

Sudo Or Die

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Dave Dribin offers a couple really handy tips for modifying the behavior of the “sudo” command-line tool, which allows ordinary admin users to acquire superuser powers for editing files, changing permissions, etc. Handy Sudo Settings – Dave Dribin’s Blog I knew about the ability to change the sudo timeout, but have never gotten around to […]

Guest Post On TUAW

Friday, December 4th, 2009

The folks at The Unofficial Apple Weblog were kind enough to invite me to write a guest post about my experience at the recent Apple iPhone Tech Talks in New York City: Inside view of the iPhone Tech Talks from Daniel Jalkut Thanks to Mike Rose for approaching me about writing this up!