Archive for the 'Hacking' Category

Pain in the Nib

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

Anybody who’s spent time with Apple’s Interface Builder (IB) application knows that it’s an amazingly intuitive, powerful tool for designing user interfaces. It’s also a major pain in the ass. While Xcode has improved by leaps and bounds over the past few years, IB has struggled to keep up. For the most part, it seems […]

MBP: Battery Life Tests

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

This post is part of the MacBook Pro Complaints series. Instead of (or in addition to) linking directly to this post, consider linking to the series link, which includes a summary of all findings to date and direct links to the pertinent downloads that users may find useful. Thanks for reading! At this point we […]

MBP: Summary Page

Friday, March 31st, 2006

I’ve gotten a fair number of incoming links to my separate entries relating to MacBook Pro noises, and as I continue to make new discoveries and add new entries, I’d like users who are linking in to have a consistent target to link against. So I’m adding a new page to my site specifically to […]

MBP: I Believe in Miracles

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

This post is part of the MacBook Pro Complaints series. Instead of (or in addition to) linking directly to this post, consider linking to the series link, which includes a summary of all findings to date and direct links to the pertinent downloads that users may find useful. Thanks for reading! In my last post […]