Archive for the 'FlexTime' Category
Saturday, December 16th, 2006
An ability to export audio to iTunes has been part of my vision for FlexTime since the very beginning. How cool to be able to design a custom pattern of sound cues, send them to iTunes, then take them with you on your iPod? I’ve been hard at work on this feature, and I’m nearing […]
Posted in FlexTime | Comments Off on FlexTime 1.2b1
Saturday, November 25th, 2006
A FlexTime customer recently asked me if there was any way to set up a routine such that each activity in the routine would take a random period of time. His interest was in having FlexTime remind him at irregular intervals to stay focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately, the short answer is “no.” […]
Posted in AppleScript, FlexTime | Comments Off on Random Length FlexTime Activities
Thursday, November 16th, 2006
Anybody who’s ever taken a public speaking class, in high school or college, remembers the strict time considerations that were placed on speech assignments. I remember mine, at City College of San Francisco, where the instructor would sit in the back corner of the room with a stopwatch around his neck. At the beginning of […]
Posted in FlexTime | 8 Comments »
Friday, November 3rd, 2006
Tim Altman asks whether a “Random Sound” option might be a good enhancement for FlexTime’s “Play Sound” cue type. I think this is an interesting idea, and definitely worth considering. But what can I do for Tim right now? Another case of AppleScript to the rescue. By setting an activity’s starting cue to “Play Sound” […]
Posted in AppleScript, FlexTime | 2 Comments »