Archive for the 'Red Sweater News' Category

WordPress 4.4.1: Scheduling Problem Solved

Friday, January 8th, 2016

I’m happy to share that the WordPress 4.4.1 release addresses the issue I reported previously with MarsEdit’s scheduled dates being misinterpreted by WordPress blogs. Thanks to the WordPress team for taking the regression seriously and choosing to revert the change that was at the root of the problem. Happy scheduling, everybody!

WordPress 4.4 Scheduling Issue

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

WordPress 4.4 includes a change that affects the scheduling of posts, or changing of a previously published post’s “publish date.” The change causes a discrepancy between the date as specified in MarsEdit, and the date as recorded on the blog server. Specifically: the time specified in MarsEdit will be adjusted by WordPress, by the hours […]

FastScripts 2.6.9: Bug Fixes

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

FastScripts 2.6.9 is now available from the FastScripts home page, and will be submitted to the Mac App Store for review by Apple. This is a minor bug fix update to address a couple issues. One has to do with subtleties around the way shell scripts are executed by FastScripts. Previously, FastScripts was inadvertently passing […]

Black Ink 1.6.3: Download Older Puzzles

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

Black Ink 1.6.3 is now available from the Black Ink home page, and has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review by Apple. Black Ink has always supported downloading of puzzles from a (diminishing) variety of online puzzle sources. This makes it easy to grab the latest puzzle from any of a few […]