Smokin’ Fast Blog

Saturday, April 29th, 2006

I spent a large part of today “under the hood” working on this blog’s WordPress-based engine. My head hurts from all the PHP, but I am pretty happy with the results. What was I doing? Optimizations for CPU and bandwidth efficiency. I have been pumping up DreamHost since I moved over to them a couple […]

What’s in a Name?

Friday, April 28th, 2006

I recently wrote about Easy Programming, my pseudo-methodology for “keeping going” in the face of difficult or tedious tasks. Since then, I’ve observed an aspect of my workflow that, while seemingly among the easiest of tasks, can be the most limiting to my productivity. What is this devastating conundrum? The challenge of naming code. I […]

MBP: An Uneventful Return

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

This post is part of the MacBook Pro Complaints series. Instead of (or in addition to) linking directly to this post, consider linking to the series link, which includes a summary of all findings to date and direct links to the pertinent downloads that users may find useful. Thanks for reading! I got my MacBook […]

Easy Programming

Thursday, April 20th, 2006

Recently, Brent Simmons posted a catalog of some ineffective approaches customers take when lobbying to get their requested changes into his software. One that stands out for me is “surely it must be easy for a developer like you.” Yes, this is a funny one! The customer uses this incredibly loaded language that in one […]