
Monday, December 18th, 2006

Phew! I was traveling today so I didn’t get a chance to blog this earlier. MacSanta is an awesome chance to buy Mac software from … literally dozens (27 so far) of independent software companies, all at 20% off. Red Sweater is participating, and all you have to do to score the big discount is […]

One Small Step For A Man Page

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

Most of the time when I download some new piece of software, it’s mere seconds before I’m frothing at the mouth about some interface or usability problem. Which makes me sit up and take notice when a piece of software just does something damned elegantly, damned easily, and damned beautifully. Bwana, from Bruji, is one […]

FlexTime 1.2b1

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

An ability to export audio to iTunes has been part of my vision for FlexTime since the very beginning. How cool to be able to design a custom pattern of sound cues, send them to iTunes, then take them with you on your iPod? I’ve been hard at work on this feature, and I’m nearing […]

Good To The Last Kernel

Friday, December 15th, 2006

Greg Miller describes in excruciating detail (or glorious detail, depending on your perspective) the steps required to compile, load, and unload a simple OS X Kernel Extension. It’s this kind of detailed analysis combined with a casual writing style that makes for great technical blog entries. File this one under “understanding what the eff is […]