How MarsEdit Was Named

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

For those who don’t know the history, MarsEdit didn’t originate here at Red Sweater. I acquired the software from Newsgator in early 2007 (wow, coming up on 5 years!), and it had been developed originally by Brent Simmons as a feature of NetNewsWire. Brent told me at one point that it was called MarsEdit, because […]

When Ads Feel Wrong

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Marco Arment wrote about the negative impression he had when, after paying $4.99 for a single digital issue of The New Yorker, he was nonetheless subjected to advertisements. He calls the combination of up-front purchase combined with an advertising subsidy “double-dipping,” implying that the content providers are somehow charging you twice for the same product. […]

MarsEdit 3.3.5: Right To Left

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

MarsEdit 3.3.5 is out with a few small fixes, and a new feature to better support bloggers who write in right-to-left (RTL) languages. The update is available immediately from the MarsEdit home page and from the Mac App Store. A new per-blog setting lets you specify whether the text in a post should tend towards […]

Freedom From Choice

Friday, October 7th, 2011

Since Steve Jobs passed away on Wednesday, the web has been overflowing with heartfelt tributes to the impact his work had on the technology world, and the world at large. But a few people don’t respect or value the contributions that Jobs made. Richard Stallman, the famously anti-Apple, GPL protagonist, comes off borderline celebratory in […]