FastScripts 3.3.6
Feb 26, 2025
- Restore display of the progress indicator in menu bar while launching
- Fix a crash that could occur while adding or removing scripts to the scripts folder
FastScripts 3.3.5
Feb 20, 2025
- Restore live updating of running script task progress information in the menu
- Fix a bug where long-running shell scripts were not properly terminated when canceled from the script menu
- Default environment variables are now passed to shell scripts for users who use zsh, bash, ksh, or fish
- Symlinks to shell scripts are now invoked directly so that the $0 variable points to the symlink and not the target
- Fix a hang that could occur if an alias to a large app is placed in the Scripts folder
- Prevent a crash that could occur while updating script running progress
- Fix a menu ordering issue with custom sorting tags that are non-UTF8 characters
- Fix a bug that caused scripts with certain unicode characters in the title to be treated as multiple scripts
FastScripts 3.3.4
Oct 21, 2024
- Fix a bug that caused the Recent Scripts menu item to be erroneously highlighted after invoking a script by search
- The "invoke" scripting command now returns results from Automator and Shell Script invocations
- Automator workflows can now be provided with variables, in addition to parameters, when run with the "invoke" scripting command
- Fix a bug that caused the down arrow to skip a search result from the Script Menu
FastScripts 3.3.3
Jul 27, 2024
- Prevent warnings about "accessing another app's data" on macOS 15 betas
- Fix memory leaks that could impact long-running scripts, causing them to exhaust available memory
- Fix an issue that caused panels displayed by scripts to sometimes disappear when secure keyboard entry is enabled
- Fix a bug that prevented keyboard shortcuts on items in aliased folders from working
- Fix a script runner crash that would occur when trying to run a script that accesses Bluetooth devices
- Changes to the visibility of a file's path extension are now reflected immediately in the script menu
- Fix a bug introduced in 3.3.2 that caused the Script Menu to not notice newly added folders
FastScripts 3.3.2
May 13, 2024
- Running tasks now reflect menu focus and can be selected with keyboard modifiers to reveal/edit/etc.
- Fix the "Open Web Page" scripting addition so it continues working on macOS 14.4+
- Fixes to update the menu correctly when changes are made to aliased or symlinked folders
- The script menu is now updated accordingly when a file's Finder visibility changes
- Work around an issue where FastScripts's menu dismisses after clicking when secure input is disabled'
FastScripts 3.3.1
Feb 28, 2024
- Fix an issue that prevented "invoke script" working reliably with parameters
- No longer presents crash reporter for script tasks that were intentionally killed by user
FastScripts 3.3
Feb 27, 2024
- New Mouse Automation scripting additions for moving, clicking, and dragging the mouse
- Restore keyboard shortcuts for arrow navigation and deletion to search text field
- Fix a bug that could prevent the search field from being focused the first time the menu is displayed
- Fix a bug that prevented the "Open at login" checkbox from accurately reflecting the status
- Fix a possible crash when certain keystrokes are typed in the Keyboard Shortcuts preference pane
- Fix a bug that caused the FastScripts menu item to remain highlighted after navigating with arrow key
- Built-in crash reporter now detects crashes in script runner proceses
FastScripts 3.2.7
Jun 16, 2023
- Restore a fix for an issue with the Bartender menu bar utility
FastScripts 3.2.6
Jun 8, 2023
- Fix a bug that caused system-wide keyboard shortcuts to appear on script menu items with the same name
- macOS Sonoma Beta 1 compatibility fixes
- Fix an issue that prevented option/shift/command modifiers working when selecting menu items
- Prevent a crash that could occur when pressing the delete key in Scriptlight search field
- Fix a problem that caused a Scriptlight search result to run twice when invoked with return key from search field
FastScripts 3.2.5
Mar 9, 2023
- Regular expression script commands now support multiline anchors and dot matches all
- Modifier key shortcuts when selecting menu items can now be disabled in Settings
- Add a keyboard shortcut "Cmd-E" to script error panel to open in Script Editor
- Rename "result" property to "script result" to disambiguate from built-in AppleScript result property
- Fix a bug that caused the Script Libraries list in Settings to appear shorter than expected
FastScripts 3.2.4
Jan 2, 2023
- Another fix to prevent a rare problem of keyboard shortcuts being lost after restart
- Fix a crash that could occur in the script runner process when scripts are cancelled
- Add scripting examples for regular expression commands to the AppleScript dictionary
FastScripts 3.2.3
Nov 20, 2022
- Improve invocation time for scripts that use AppleScriptObjC
- Fix a crash that occurred when pressing Command-Delete in the search field
- Changed the AppleScript command name for running scripts back to 'invoke' to avoid ambiguity
- Fix an issue that could cause keyboard shortcuts to be lost after restarting computer
FastScripts 3.2.2
Sep 27, 2022
- Fix a bug introduced in 3.2 that prevented application items from opening correctly
FastScripts 3.2.1
Sep 27, 2022
- Fix a bug that caused script task references from "run" commands to sometimes become invalid
FastScripts 3.2
Sep 26, 2022
- New settings for custom Script Collections allows for arbitrary script folder locations
- Built-in script running command now supports specifying script parameters and awaiting a result
- Shortuts integration: new "Display Message" action for heads-up display messages
- Identically named scripts are now differentiated in search results by showing their containing folder name
- Fixed a bug that could caused the wrong color to appear in the menu bar color preference
- Fixed a bug that in rare cases prevented changed keyboard shortcuts from showing as expected in the menu
- Improved reliability of keyboard shortcuts staying set when scripts are moved
- Changed name of "Preferences" to Settings" if running on macOS 13 or greater
FastScripts 3.1.2
Aug 9, 2022
- Fix a bug that could cause some scripts that generate keystrokes to terminate unexpectedly
- Work around a crashing bug in macOS Ventura beta when dismissing a "display message" panel
- Improve the reliability of the built-in crash reporter
FastScripts 3.1.1
Jul 21, 2022
- Software Updates are now announced via system notifications when authorized
- Recently run scripts are now exposed by FastScripts's own scripting interface
- The FastScripts menu can now be presented by keyboard shortcut even if the menu bar icon is not visible
- Check for Updates now includes a link to Version History when there are no new updates
- Mitigate a problem that could occasionally cause a delay when invoking a script
- Recent Scripts now appear below App-Specific Scripts in search results
FastScripts 3.1
Mar 11, 2022
- New built-in scripting support for regular expression commands "search text", "replace text" and "split text"
- Updated "open web page" scripting command to support a new "replacing current page" parameter
- Added a new "Open FastScripts Scripting Dictionary" menu item
- When searching, recently used scripts are now prioritized in search results
- Fix a bug that caused recently added "invoke" support for paths to report a spurious error
- Fix a bug introduced in 3.0.6 that prevented "invoke" from working properly on script items
- Alleviate console log warnings that were being printed when the menu bar icon is clicked
FastScripts 3.0.6
Jan 20, 2022
- Fix an interaction with Bartender app that caused the Preferences panel to open when selecting a script
- Re-fix an issue that caused custom colored menu bar icons to appear enabled on secondary screens
- Remove NSAppleScriptEnabled Info.plist key from FastScripts Script Runner
- New preference to hide the Scriptlight search field in the FastScripts menu
- Scriptability enhancements to FastScripts itself
- The "invoke" command can now be called with an arbitrary file as the parameter to run scripts outside of your script collection
- New "script tasks" element provides access to running tasks, which can be force quit via script
- New "preferences window" property provides scripted access to showing preferences window
FastScripts 3.0.5
Dec 13, 2021
- Fix a crash when running JavaScript for OSA scripts
- Restore proper drawing of the menu bar selection highlight when the icon is clicked
- Fix an issue where a script with lots of AppleScript log messages could get stuck running
- Fix the behavior of the "Create App-Specific Scripts" folder when no User Scripts folder exists yet
FastScripts 3.0.4
Dec 8, 2021
- Restore ability to run Automator Actions
- Restore functionality that suspendsw script execution while conflicting keyboard shortcut is still held
- Fix a crash that could occur when aliases in the script folder become unresolveable
- Fix a bug that could cause variables in scripts to become undefined after interacting with other apps
- Improve the error message that is presented when trying to run a shell script without executable permission
FastScripts 3.0.3
Dec 6, 2021
- Changes to script execution to make behavior more consistent with Script Editor's behavior
- Improvements to event handling performance in Cocoa UI presented by scripts
- Fixes for bugs that prevented some changes to script folders from being reflected in the menu
- Asking for the "count" of args in script's run handler now works without error
- Fix a bug that prevented the "Create Scripts Folder" items from working in some cases
FastScripts 3.0.2
Nov 24, 2021
- Performance improvements for users with large script folders
- Fix an issue that caused consecutive scripted alerts to get hidden from view
- Improved keyboard navigation and text editing in the search field
- Fix a rare crash that could occur after moving FastScripts's location on disk
- Fix an issue causing custom colored menu bar icons to appear enabled on secondary screens
- Script progress now updates immediately even if the script blocks on a modal panel after updating it
FastScripts 3.0.1
Nov 15, 2021
- Fix the color and contrast of the app icon
- Fix a crash at launch affecting users with cyclic aliases in their Scripts folder
- Fix a crash that could occur when using arrow keys to navigate in search field
- Restore text layout in display message panels with custom bounds
- Improvements to the first-launch introduction panel
FastScripts 3.0
Nov 11, 2021
- Major upgrade featuring ScriptLight menu searching, parallel script execution, script progress feedback, and more!
FastScripts 2.8.3
- Performance enhancements for Apple Silicon based Macs
FastScripts 2.8.2
- Add a "Restore Default" button to Preferences for the custom menu icon color
- Update the color well in Preferences to accurately reflect the default color as it will render in the menu bar
- Fix visual glitches when running on a future version of macOS
FastScripts 2.8.1
- The keyboard shortcut for opening the FastScripts menu can now be set to "None" (press the delete key while editing)
- Fix a bug that allowed the Preferences window to be resized too small to show the contents
- Fix an issue that could impede scripts being run in quick succession with keyboard shortcuts
- Fix an issue where the color chooser panel could be lost in the background if switching out of FastScripts while the Prefrences window is active
- FastScript's AppleScript interface now supports a "location" property on script library references, so you can obtain the file path to any node in its script hierarchy
FastScripts 2.8
- Custom folder icons are now respected by the FastScripts menu
- FastScripts can now be quit by cmd-dragging the icon out of the menu bar
- Revealing a folder from FastScripts now respects the user setting for default folder opener
- Removed FastScripts' custom AppleScript text suite in favor of using the standard system suite, to fix some string coercion problems when running scripts
FastScripts 2.7.8
- Fix a crash when resolving some Finder alias files in an unreleased version of macOS
FastScripts 2.7.7
- Fix a visual glitch with the focus ring displayed when editing a keyboard shortcut
- Fix a bug that could prevent the menu icon color from adapting to Light/Dark Mode changes
- Omit the file extensions for .applescript, .py, .rb, etc files in the script menu
FastScripts 2.7.6
- Adapt script error panel to macOS Mojave's Dark Mode
- Add usage explanation strings for requests via scripts to access Reminders, Photos, and Calendar information. This fixes a problem where scripts that attempted to automate these apps wouldn't prompt for user permission to do so.
FastScripts 2.7.5
- FastScripts 2.7.5 was a Mac App Store-only update to fix a problem with Apple Event permissions.
FastScripts 2.7.4
- Fix the ordering of items in the script menu to be sorted by standard localized order
- Fix a bug that could cause a renamed script to appear twice in the menu if only the case of the name was changed
- Fix a bug that caused Quick Action Workflows to be offered for installation when attempting to edit them
- Fix a bug that caused the focus on the shortcuts table to be lost after setting a shortcut value
- Add a new FastScripts Help menu item to easily open help on the web
FastScripts 2.7.3
- Remove FastScripts's custom "path to" handler as it appears the system handler behaves as we expect now
- Add an Apple Events usage explanation string to accompany the system prompt for approving Apple Events
- Fix a crash that occur when running JavaScript for Automation scripts
FastScripts 2.7.2
- Fix a bug in 2.7.1 that prevented "path to" special folders from working as expected
FastScripts 2.7.1
- Fix a bug in 2.7 that prevented "path to me" working as expected in scripts
FastScripts 2.7
- Preliminary improvements for macOS Mojave 10.14
- Fix an issue preventing running scripts that control other apps
- Initial Dark Mode support for Mojave
- Fix the "Automatically Check for Updates" option
- Improved error reporting on script failures
- Removed old, unused PowerPC code from app
- Now requires macOS 10.12 or higher
FastScripts 2.6.13
- Fix a bug introduced in 2.6.12 that could cause edited scripts to not be reloaded automatically when running them
FastScripts 2.6.12
- Fix a bug that could cause aliases in script trees to not resolve properly
- Fix a bug in folder modification tests that could cause unexpected script folder resyncing
FastScripts 2.6.11
- Add NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching to Info.plist to avoid depending on high power GPU
- Workaround a bug that could cause FastSripts to crash when waking a Touch Bar Mac from sleep
FastScripts 2.6.10
- Update to use more secure HTTPS based URLs when connecting to Red Sweater's web site
FastScripts 2.6.9
- Fix to avoid copying contents of a script to the standard input when running a shell script
- Fix a bug that prevented the keyboard shortcuts script list in preferences from remembering its expanded state across launches
FastScripts 2.6.8
- Fix a bug from 2.6.7 that caused the menu bar icon to draw too lightly in OS X Yosemite
- Restore proper functionality of aliases to folders within the script hierarchy
- Fix a typo in the first-launch welcome message
FastScripts 2.6.7
- Fix display of menu bar icon on 10.9 and earlier, where the previous update caused it to be displayed light gray by default.
FastScripts 2.6.6
- Fix display of menu bar icon in "dark mode" on Yosemite 10.10
- Ensure that user environment variables are set-up when running shell scripts
- Fix appearance of keyboard shortcuts when running with non-Roman keyboard layouts
FastScripts 2.6.5
- Updated graphics for MacBook Pro Retina support
- Fix a Smart-Switching bug that prevented a script from activating another app after displaying a dialog
FastScripts 2.6.4
- Fix a crashing bug that could occur if an alias file resolves to itself
FastScripts 2.6.3
- Fix a performance bug introduced in 2.6 that caused some scripts to run very slowly
- Fix a crash that could occur when trying to display Automator-generated errors
- Fix a false error that would occur when Automator workflows end with no result
FastScripts 2.6.2
- Further refinement to the activation of the expected app when running scripts
- Prevent conflicts with synthesized "key code" command and script keyboard shortcut
FastScripts 2.6.1
- Prevent conflicts with synthesized keystroke commands and keyboard shortcuts
- Fix for situations where FastScripts became the front app after running a script
- Fix the built in on-screen display windows to grow in height to fit displayed message
- Restore support for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5
FastScripts 2.6
- 64-bit compatibility
- Add support for FKeys F17-F19, available on many modern Mac keyboards.
- Fix a bug where deleted folders remain visible in menu
- Fix an issue with case-change-only name changes causing duplicate menu items
FastScripts 2.5
- Now supports running plain-text .applescript files
- The FastScripts menu icon can now be changed to a custom color
- Alter appearance of menu so it doesn't have rounded top corners on 10.6
- Bug Fixes
- Fix glitches with "Smart Switching" on Snow Leopard 10.6
- Fix processing of shell script arguments embedded in the "shebang" line
- Fix a possible crash when changing mouse cursor while selecting from menu
- Fix proper display of filenames e.g. when they contain slashes
FastScripts 2.4
- New evaluation terms: free forever unless you want more than 10 keyboard shortcuts
- Now includes software update mechanism to stay up to date
FastScripts 2.3.6
- Leopard fixes:
- Restore ability to run Automator workflows
- Fix menu placement of Apple scripts vs. User scripts
FastScripts 2.3.5
- Restore functionality of return/tab/esc/delete as shortcut keys.
FastScripts 2.3.4
- Improved compatibility with the upcoming Leopard 10.5 release.
FastScripts 2.3.3 is a quick update to fix one issue from 2.3.2:
- Restore support for aliases to application bundles
FastScripts 2.3.2
- Support for aliases to folders in script hierarchy!
- Improve performance of syncing changes to script folders
- Fix display of keyboard shortcuts on non-US keyboard layout
- Avoid adding menu item separators for empty script folders
FastScripts 2.3.1
- Allow return, tab, escape as keyboard shortcuts - the only key not supported is "delete"
- Fix a weird "only works every other time" bug with scripts that use UI Scripting for keystrokes
- Allow dragging of FastScripts note windows by holding command while clicking
FastScripts 2.3
- A refined grayscale menu bar icon
- Support for unmodified keys as script shortcuts (10.3 and later only)
- New preference for toggling "Launch at Login" feature
- Reorganized Preferences dialogs
- Improved AppleScript access to FastScripts script hierarchies
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
FastScripts 2.2.9
- Fixes to support non-AppleScript OSAs (e.g. Javascript OSA)
- Disable script error localization added in 2.2.8 - there were unexpected negative side-effects.
- Fix a bug that prevented TextMate (and possibly others) from being chosen as default shell script editor.
FastScripts 2.2.7
- Redesigned application icon.
- Fixed support for "close" AppleScript command on FastScripts message windows.
FastScripts 2.2.6
- Plug some small memory leaks in Shortcut editor
- Fix bug that caused changed "FS Menu Keyboard Shortcut" from taking effect
- Clicking outside of preferences or closing preferences now ends shortcut editing
- Make sure menu bar highlights for non-AppleScript items invoked by shortcut
- Caps Lock no longer limits the functionality of the cmd/opt/shift menu selection shortcuts
- Menu no longer displays items that are invisible in the Finder (e.g. Icon and . files)
- Improved robustness when a configured script editor becomes unlocatable
FastScripts 2.2.5
- Custom menu sorting, by way of BBEdit-style script naming convention
- Fixed "path to me" handler to correctly support script bundles
FastScripts 2.2.4
- Unmodified Function-Keys can now be specified as keyboard shortcuts
- Fixes a bug that caused app-specific shortcuts to fail on first launch
- Fixes the "Edit Script" shortcut to work correctly with script applets
- Fixes AppleScript support for "screen position" of built-in notification display
- Incorporates latest Kagi Registration Module
FastScripts 2.2.3
- Recent Scripts support. Now the last several scripts you've used are available in a Recent Scripts submenu.
- Applications and documents now appear in the FastScripts menu.
FastScripts 2.2.2
- Bug fix to work with 2-Byte characters in folder names.
FastScripts 2.2.1
- Support for Automator workflow documents. Use FastScripts to run your Automator workflows without launching Automator - keyboard shortcuts for your favorite workflows!
- Improved reliability. FastScripts now recognizes "runaway scripts," and provides a mechanism for canceling execution.
- Improved startup and response times for large script directories. The FastScripts caching mechanism has changed to pre-load each script only after its first execution, reducing memory use and startup time.
FastScripts 2.2
- Support for "On Screen Display" messages. Now you can ask FastScripts to display elegant overlay messages from your scripts! Take a look at the FastScripts scripting dictionary for more information.
- A new "edit shortcut" keyboard modifier. Hold the command (apple) key while selecting a script in the FastScripts menu, and you will be instantly taken to the FastScripts preferences dialog to edit that script's shortcut.
FastScripts 2.1.1
- Improve menu-building to more reliably reflect the current frontmost application
- Fixed a bug that prevented keyboard access shortcut changes from sticking
- Escape with no modifiers now reverts to original hotkey
- Save outline view expanded state between launches
- Save and restore selected prefs pane between launches
- Make "Create App-Specific Scripts Folder" items work when "Applications" or "Scripts" parent folder doesn't already exist.
- Fix a rare crasher when trying to create scripts folders.
FastScripts 2.1
A major update adding the following features and fixes:
- Application specific keyboard shortcuts
- Improved script error dialogs
- Redesigned preferences dialog
- Easy menu items for creating or opening application specific script folders
- Support for revealing files in PathFinder
- Support for AppleScript bundle format
- Override the "Path to me" command to return a reference to the script
FastScripts 2.0.6
- Fix a bug which prevented application-specific scripts from working with apps whose names contain certain diacritical marks. This fix is important for users working in languages with compound accented characters. Examples: "Éditeur de Scripts", "Aide-Mémoire", etc.
FastScripts 2.0.5
- Displays user-defined keyboard shortcuts in the FastScripts menu.
- Prevents long delays when attempting to resolve aliases to disconnected servers.
- Prevents hotkeys from being recursively invoked during script execution.
FastScripts 2.0.4
- Rapid turnaround to fix a crashing bug from 2.0.3
FastScripts 2.0.3
- Now detects script errors and displays an alert if one occurs.
- Major performance improvements to sync operation should help menu speed on slower machines.
- Shortcut keypresses now show feedback by hilting FS icon in menu bar.
- Fixed a script loading bug that could affect users with large numbers of shell scripts.
FastScripts 2.0.2
- Fix a bug that could cause multiple copies of a single script to show up in the FastScripts menu.
FastScripts 2.0.1
- Fix a bug with app-specific script syncing.
FastScripts 2.0
- Major revamp with keyboard shortcut support, a preferences dialog, and more.
FastScripts 1.1.5
- Address an issue with aliases to folders in the script hierarchy.
FastScripts 1.1.4
- Update to address a variety of issues caused by script directories containing a large number of files.
FastScripts 1.1.2
- Don't switch context back to the original application if the script intentionally switched to a different app.
FastScripts 1.1.1
- Minor fixes to allow applications that are not "packaged" applications to be configured as the script editing app.
FastScripts 1.1
- Major update adding script edit and reveal shortcuts, automatic resynchronizing, and application-specific scripts.
FastScripts 1.0.2
- Recognize and execute scripts residing inside AppleScript applets & droplets.
FastScripts 1.0.1
- Fixed a bug where scripts with periods in their names would have their names truncated.
FastScripts 1.0
- First Release!