WordPress 2.2 Comments & TrackBacks

June 19th, 2007

MarsEdit users may be noticing some weird behavior with WordPress 2.2 and the “allow comments” and “accept trackbacks” options.

I discovered a bug in WordPress 2.2 which causes these settings to show up as disabled when they’re not explicitly set by the client. Lots of MarsEdit users have probably never thought about these settings, because their blog default setting was exactly what they wanted.

If you’re finding yourself frustrated that all of your new posts are coming up “Comments Disabled,” then you can work around the problem by explicitly setting the default values that MarsEdit should send with your new posts:

  1. Open your weblog settings by double-clicking its icon in the weblogs drawer.
  2. Select the “Defaults” pane, and choose your desired settings:

I’m confident that the WordPress team will fix this soon, but until they do I hope this workaround will get you back on track.

Update: Spent some time working on this issue with the WordPress folks today. Turns out there are a couple problems in both the way that the server interprets these values, and in the way that MarsEdit expects the server to behave. Both WordPress and myself are making some changes that will improve this for everybody in future releases.

In the mean time, the explicit workaround as described above is still the best choice.