Documentation Sucks
January 12th, 2006A recent mailing-list discussion has raised my hackles about documentation. So at the risk of offending all the tech-writers out there, let me restate my thesis: Documentation Sucks!
I’m not just saying that because I’ve been very slow to provide substantial documentation for my two in-house applications. The only thing worse than lack of documentation is too much documentation. It’s too often a sign of design failure in the application. Documentation is insidious. As soon as it reaches a certain size, it seems to become a black hole for “explaining away mistakes.” The new feature is completely unintuitive, but completed by the deadline? It’s OK, just stick a note in the documentation! Then you end up with a big junky piece of unusable music composition software, or ridiculously ill-behaved spreadsheet app.
When you install a piece of software, its value can often be measured by how much you can get done without looking at the manual. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be a manual (except in rare cases), but it shouldn’t be necessary for your first conversation with the program.
Who here has read the manual for Safari? The Dock? Address Book? You haven’t? How do you get anything done?! Do they even have documentation? Sure they do, but they’re not mammoth, and they’re mostly there to feed the public’s addiction to documentation. Take Address Book. If you open its help book from the Help menu, you’ll see the the documentation is split up into four fairly discrete sections:
- What’s new in Address Book?
- Discover Address Book
- Solving Problems
- Index
The first section is sort of a “release notes” for consumers. This is valuable, but hardly needs to be in the manual. In fact, it’s probably the last place I’d look for it. For a paid product, I would expect to see it on the web in marketing information. This is the type of information that Apple gets to include in the documentation because they push their applications to us for free. We don’t have to decide that there is a true benefit to us before deciding to upgrade to them. So they have to sell us on the application after we already have it!
The second section is also essentially marketing information, but packaged as a “getting to know your new Address Book” type section. There is some helpful stuff in here if you’re looking to do advanced features like syncing, but in the “obligatory documentation” department we get items like this:
Finding a contact in Address Book
You can quickly search your Address Book for a name, email address, or any other information. In Address Book, type the text you want to find in the search field. As you type, Address Book displays the matching contacts.
“Oh that’s what the little oval box with the magnifying glass in it does!” Don’t get me wrong, users need to know this! But if every application takes responsibility for explaining every UI convention to every user, there will be a whole lot of reading and whole little of doing.
The third section: “Solving Problems” is really the holy grail for users. It’s both the only section users really need, and the only section that can’t be written without their help. Until your users present problems, you can’t succinctly elaborate on them in the documentation. This section, in addition to being the only useful one, is the one that you want to focus on eliminating as revisions to your application are produced. Your bug list and your “Solving Problems” list should be pretty well in sync.
When’s the last time you needed a manual to watch a DVD? Is there a manual? There’s a complicated (sometimes infuriating) user interface that provides access to a sometimes large number of features. The UI is in fact much less standardized than a typical computer UI. Yet there’s no manual. Why? Because the penalty for making a mistake is small and the consequences of an action are clearly communicated to the user. The only thing you need a manual for on most DVDs is to find the secret, hidden “easter egg” features. Unfortunately, many applications on the Mac treat all features like easter eggs. Want to copy text from one paragraph to another? “First, go to page 182.B of the manual. Now, while pressing control, shift, and caps-lock, turn around 3 times while fingerspelling ‘Paperclip’ with your free hand. To learn more, please turn the page.”
For that matter, when’s the last time you read a manual for a hammer? Pair of pliers? Your desk? The rug on the floor? For which tools in your life do you find high value in the manual? Is it valuable because it’s required to use the product or because it enhances the product? If it’s required then don’t you resent the manufacturer?
A great example of an extremely complicated, extremely dangerous application with a minimalist manual is the automobile. Most of us trust ourselves implicitly to step into any automobile manufactured in the past 60 years and get from point A to point B with relative ease and absolute safety. Sure, there’s a manual for your car, but have you ever looked at it? I’ll tell you what it says. It has some ridiculous stuff like “This is a key. Keys make your car start. Please don’t pump the gas while the car starts.” OK, that’s filler, but the manual is still thinner than most software manuals. If you’re lucky, it also has some really useful Solving Problems stuff like “Oh Crap. Your battery’s dead. You probably thought you’d never have to do this, but here is how you jumpstart a car.” (Some automobile manufacturers, realizing that the Solving Problems list is also a bug list, have added features to their cars like backup batteries to automatically jump start the main battery when it dies. Nice!)
Nowhere in your car’s manual does it say “vehicles approaching at 60MPH should not be collided with head-on.” We are “car literate,” so we know these things without having to be told. In fact most of what we know about driving and cars we learn by observation and experience – we are exposed to driving from a young age and become confident about our understanding of the complex system. Sure there is training, but once you learn how to use one car, you are in a good position to use any car – and most importantly, these pre-requisites are not the car manufacturer’s responsibility! This is how computer software should be. Customers who are minimally computer literate should be as comfortable stepping into your software’s trial period as they are stepping into a rental car. As our world becomes more and more computer literate, it’s becoming an insult to explain things like “This is a search box. Search boxes are for searching.”
Car companies save a lot of paper because there isn’t an expectation of a phone-book sized manual when you buy a new vehicle. The software industry isn’t so lucky. One of the biggest ways in which documentation sucks is that parts of the computer-using masses (particularly those who still feel a bit cautious about getting behind the mouse) have been conditioned to expect manuals for everything. And big manuals, at that! If we don’t get a big manual from the manufacturer, we’ll pay some book publisher for a big fatty.
Two decades of crappy software and obligatory documentation have conditioned users to expect the worst. We need to wean the world off of manuals by proving to them that we too can get them from point A to point B without getting injured.
January 12th, 2006 at 11:17 am
“The only thing worse than lack of documentation is too much documentation. It”™s too often a sign of design failure in the application.”
Indeed. When I was writing the docs for a BASIC compiler I had written (for the Sinclair Spectrum), I found it was difficult to explain which expressions got optimized by the compiler, so I spent the time instead on improving the compiler so that no explanation was necessary.
January 12th, 2006 at 1:06 pm
People get trained to use their car, and they are issued licenses by the state where they are tested on their understanding of their state’s vehicle code (manual) and their ability to operate a vehicle. Often new drivers take a class to master these skills. I’m not sure I see your point. No one is issued a license to operate most software, so it’s hard to assume a basic skill set. That’s the world we live in.
You seem to be saying two things:
1. Software documentation is often used to gloss over some poorly designed part of a product.
2. Software documentation contains information that you already know, or that most people already know.
While I definitely agree with your first point. Documenting the use of a search box, doesn’t make it *suck*. It just means that often it’s geared toward a very beginner audience. And for many basic products like address book, it should be.
January 12th, 2006 at 3:49 pm
Phil: true, people get trained to use cars. I said that in my entry. But once they’ve learned, they don’t have to be re-taught for every single car they use. The car is just a convenient metaphor because it is dangerous and complex, but I could also have compared it to using a television, or riding a bicycle. Most people don’t take lessons for bicycles, and you don’t need a government licenes to safely use one.
The public is “raising the bar” by learning more and more about computers. We don’t have to hammer to obvious crap into their heads. They’re getting smarter than that. For those who aren’t, they need remedial education and more intuitive software – not bloated manuals. It also cheapens the documentation to waste space on things that most users will already know. If somebody needs to be told that the search box in Address Book is for searching, then they should be reading “Mac OS X for Dummies,” not the Address Book help pages. Apple could also help this by making the help system more “cascading in specificity.” If every help document was organized in a hierarchical tree of pre-requisite knowledge, then the Address Book help, for instance, might be positioned underneath “Basic UI Conventions of Mac OS X,” and anybody having trouble understanding the manual could click a button for “Prerequisite Documentation.” Lest I go off on a tangent…
And when I say “Documentation Sucks” I mean it in a sort of wide-angle sense. The current state of documentation. The user expectations for documentation. The unwanted side-effects of documentation. The need for documentation where not necessary. These are the things that suck. When documentation answers my question succinctly and in a way that the interface couldn’t have done on its own, then it most definitely doesn’t suck.
January 12th, 2006 at 5:50 pm
Fair enough. You’re right about the user not having to wade through pages and pages of documentation just to use the application. It feel it’s best if the user interface guides the user into using correctly, but that’s a hard thing to do.
However, when functionality is not immediately visible (or there are certain quirks or unexpected behaviours), then more detailed documentation becomes useful. Perhaps this would apply to the more “advanced” features of an application, which would be used by less, but probably require more explanation.
January 13th, 2006 at 12:09 am
My DVD player has a manual, and I’m glad it does. It’s my PS2, and I needed the manual to answer a few questions about it. I even had to email Sony’s support line to find out something that wasn’t answered in there. (They replied with a helpful answer.)
And I’ve looked at my car’s manual multiple times, typically because I want to know what a particular light on my dashboard means, but also to check on various other things. It’s always been helpful.
January 13th, 2006 at 7:55 am
Eric: In case I wasn’t clear, I am highlighting the automobile as a product that more or less does it right. Lots of the information in an automobile owner’s manual is only stuff you actually need to know. The “This is a key, keys start cars” part is the only exception. The car companies enjoy this luxury of 1. everybody knowing how to drive and 2. reusing UI metaphors to great success.
If car companies added features like software developers, you’d have to look in the manual for things like “how do I stop my car?” and there you’d find some convoluted instruction about how you have to reach into the glove compartment and pull a little chain.
September 6th, 2006 at 7:17 am
[…] In her “Creating Passionate Users” blog, Kathy shares a lot of great tips. One of her latest is a great article about user manuals, which shares some of the logic of my Documentation Sucks piece (”Make Reading the Manual Unnecessary”), but is altogether more informative. […]