Archive for the 'Business' Category

Macteens Interview

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

Anthony Cole over at Macteens interviewed me for the online magazine. In it we discuss my time at Apple, my decision to strike out on my own as an indie developer, and MarsEdit’s so-called competition. Thanks for the interesting chat, Anthony!

Amazon Prime Ripoff – Or Not?

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Editorial Note: I had originally posted this entry in the midst of feeling rather angry and foolish for having suffered a financial hit for a service I did not want. After some reflection I decided I was being too whiny and should just accept that I made a mistake. But it was too late, I […]

Atomic Roulette

Monday, October 15th, 2007

My friend Tom Harrington from Atomic Bird Software is celebrating his company’s 5-year anniversary in a pretty novel way. 5 Years? Every 5th order is FREE! I love this idea. OK, I confess, I helped come up with it. But I still love it, and you should too. If you’re a customer it’s in your […]

You Can Go Home Again

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Consider the trajectories of our careers. Most of us were committed to and already pretty good at whatever it is we do, by the time we were 20 years old or so. So much destiny determined so early on. In the few short years between gaining consciousness and moving out of the house, you evaluated […]