Archive for the 'Business' Category

No More Excuses

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

I’ve been telling anybody who will listen, since even before I acquired MarsEdit, that if you want to be a significant member of the Mac developer community, you need to have a blog. In fact, you need a blog even if you’re not a Mac developer. It’s good for your business, it’s good for your […]

Maximize Your PayPal Income

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

If you’re running your own business and receiving a majority of your payments via PayPal (or if you make so much money that even a minority is a lot of cash), then you need to know about something called PayPal’s Merchant Rate. I first learned about this from Andy Kim, who wrote to the macsb […]

Feeling The Love

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

MarsEdit 2.0 has been out for about a month now, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s very gratifying to learn that all the little nuances I thought were important enough to spend time on, are actually being appreciated by tons and tons of users. First of all I’ve gotten a number of personal […]

Pushing Their Buttons

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

I haven’t even been interviewed all that many times in my life, but I’ve met with each and every one of the interview creatures Rands describes in his latest article, The Button. He elaborates on several stereotypes you’re liable to meet in the interview room while you’re searching for your next job, and tries to […]