Archive for the 'Red Sweater News' Category

Clarion 2.1: Modern Times

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Clarion 2.1 is available now from the Clarion home page. I also intend to submit this version to the Mac App Store, for what will be Clarion’s debut on the store. Clarion is Red Sweater’s utility for practicing the recognition of musical intervals (the distances between two pitches). It’s the oldest of my shipping apps, […]

MarsEdit Live Source Preview

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Recently a customer wrote asking whether I would consider adding a feature to MarsEdit, so that as you’re writing a blog post, you could also keep an eye on exactly what the resulting HTML will look like. This feature would be handy for folks writing in Markdown or in the Rich Text editor, but also […]

MarsEdit 3.6.7: Jumpy Text Cursor

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

MarsEdit 3.6.7 is available now from the MarsEdit home page, and has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review by Apple. This release comes hot on the tails of 3.6.6, mainly because of a harmless but nonetheless obnoxious bug that was introduced in that release. While typing in either the HTML source or […]

Burn After Releasing

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

For folks interested in the more technical side of Red Sweater, I’ve written up a fairly long technical analysis of a recent MarsEdit crash report I received and how I ended up fixing it: “I love it when customers take the time to write something about the circumstances surrounding a crash. Often even a little […]