A Mighty Mistake

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

I recently had the opportunity to give Apple’s Mighty Mouse a good test-drive. I was really excited when this mouse was announced. What a perfect compromise: a two-button mouse that can masquerade as a single-clicker for the frightened masses! My excitement turned to slight concern as the informal reviews started appearing on the web. People […]

Backups are Useless

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

At the very bottom of a long list of sobering lessons to be learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, is one having to do with the security of digital data. Katrina Lesson #1432: Backups are Useless I don’t have precise statistics, but I’d venture to say that most people don’t make regular backups. Between […]

Stupid Style Tricks

Friday, November 11th, 2005

Something that has been for months on my list of things to “check out” are Cascading Style Sheets. Ever since I woke up one day and noticed that they were no longer that funky innovative technology that no browsers supported, I realized maybe I better get a better grasp of what-all they entailed. When one […]

A Tale of Two Blogs

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

I was a little slow to pick up on the blogging thing. I have been writing in this particular forum for less than six months. Prior to that, I had a taste of blogging, through my connections with various friends on the LiveJournal site. Creating an ID at first just to post non-anonymous comments to […]