The Rest Of Your Life

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

I just finished reading The Monk and the Riddle, on the recommendation of Paul from Rogue Amoeba. It’s a sort of business philosophy book by Randy Komisar (with writing help from Kent Lineback). It was a surprisingly fast read. Enjoyable and inspirational. But let me summarize it in one sentence: Stop wasting your time working […]

Mea Culpa: FlexTime Scripted Cues

Friday, September 15th, 2006

FlexTime has a major flaw in it where references to AppleScripts are not reliably saved/restored in routine documents. I’ve fixed the problem but it actually required quite a bit of change to my scripting code. So… I’m both embarrassed about the bug and nervous about the changes. Rather than release an update and hope for […]

Adjective Noun Software

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

In my last post, I talked about the series of events that have led to my running my own company. But getting there is only half the battle. Once you’ve decided to venture out on your own, you have to come up with a name for yourself. Alex Repty recently observed that a large number […]

The Road Less Traveled

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

Last year, Gus Mueller of Flying Meat Software wrote a powerful blog entry describing the 1068 days that elapsed between his setting out to be a full-time indie software developer, and achieving that goal. Paul Kafasis recently redirected my attention to that post, and commented that it would be interesting to hear more stories of […]