Random Length FlexTime Activities

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

A FlexTime customer recently asked me if there was any way to set up a routine such that each activity in the routine would take a random period of time. His interest was in having FlexTime remind him at irregular intervals to stay focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately, the short answer is “no.” […]

Public Speaking With FlexTime

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Anybody who’s ever taken a public speaking class, in high school or college, remembers the strict time considerations that were placed on speech assignments. I remember mine, at City College of San Francisco, where the instructor would sit in the back corner of the room with a stopwatch around his neck. At the beginning of […]

Resolution Independent Fever

Friday, November 10th, 2006

Resolution independence is the notion that all graphics on a computer display should be zoomable to an arbitrary multiplier without losing quality. If you know even the slightest thing about computer graphics, you’ll understand that in a resolution independent world, bitmaps are out and vector graphics are in. Vector graphics can scale gracefully to an […]

FlexTime Random Sounds

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

Tim Altman asks whether a “Random Sound” option might be a good enhancement for FlexTime’s “Play Sound” cue type. I think this is an interesting idea, and definitely worth considering. But what can I do for Tim right now? Another case of AppleScript to the rescue. By setting an activity’s starting cue to “Play Sound” […]