Indie Fever

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Something is changing. In the past few years, more and more of my developer friends have started talking about “going indie.” That is, going out on their own to develop, market, support, and profit from their own software. Many years ago, while I was working at Apple, the notion of striking out on one’s own […]

Usable Keychain Update

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Some time ago I shared a free AppleScript interface I put together for accessing the Mac OS X keychain with some degree of speed and grace. The download, named “Usable Keychain Scripting” was my frustrated response to the more or less completely unusable Keychain Scripting interface in Mac OS X. Usable Keychain Scripting was awesome, […]

MarsEdit 2.0.5

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

I just posted MarsEdit 2.0.5, a modest fixes-and-nuisances update. Improved Handling Of HTML Entities In Categories WordPress has an issue in which category names end up literally containing the HTML entity codes for things like ampersands, etc. If you were bit by this problem, you’d notice MarsEdit listing these in the category table. I now […]