FastScripts 2.6.1
July 29th, 2011I released FastScripts 2.6.1 today, which restores support for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, and also includes a few bug fixes and enhancements.
One cool trick in 2.6.1 is the way FastScripts behaves when your scripts include “keystroke” commands to synthesize keyboard presses. In the past, these scripts were tricky to get right in FastScripts, because the synthesized keystroke would be mixed up with the very keys you had used to invoke the script. Now, FastScripts will suspend execution of any such script until you release the keys that were pressed to invoke the script.
FastScripts 2.6.1 Changes
- Prevent conflicts with synthesized keystroke commands and keyboard shortcuts
- Fix for situations where FastScripts became the front app after running a script
- Fix the built in on-screen display windows to grow in height to fit displayed message
- Restore support for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5
Unfortunately, this update is not available on the Mac App Store. Apple has now rejected it twice, citing the behavior of the app when it is used to run one of Apple’s own bundled scripts:
/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts/Create New Message.scpt
This script is terrible to start with, but starting in OS X Lion, it simply doesn’t work. It fails with cryptic errors, and FastScripts faithfully reports them. Apple is rejecting FastScripts for the behavior of a faulty script that is bundled with OS X Lion.
The review process for App Store submissions is frustrating to start with: every release takes extra time and there is a great deal of uncertainty as to when an update will finally be made available to customers. I have to admit that sometimes the review team identifies serious bugs that I am glad to have fixed before releasing an app. But the benefit of that kind of review seems to be balanced by reviews like this one, where Apple’s own bugs are being cited as the cause for rejection my app.
I am confident that FastScripts 2.6.1 will eventually be approved for the App Store. In the mean time, any customer who owns the App Store edition can download and run the direct-sale version from my site.