March 19th, 2025
Black Ink 2.4.1 is now available on the Black Ink site and on the Mac App Store.
This update includes a mash-mash of fixes, but the one that I personally appreciate most is a fix for the Web Puzzle Chooser, to improve the chances it will highlight the latest available puzzle when one has become available while the app was running. If you’ve ever opened the puzzle chooser, well aware there should be a new puzzle available, only to be teleported back in time to the latest (maybe years old) puzzle that the app thinks you haven’t solved yet, then this fix is for you.
Complete list of changes for this release:
- Fix a bug that could prevent the newest available puzzle from being selected in the calendar
- Quicklook previews of puzzles with checkmark, etc., symbols are now shown in color
- Restored the functionality of the built-in crash reporting mechanism
- When duplicating puzzles from the app’s sandbox, the app now encourages saving outside the sandbox
- Fix a problem that could cause previously solved puzzles to open as new after changing system date format
If you enjoy Black Ink, please consider writing a review or rating the app on the Mac App Store, and spreading the word on social media! Thanks for your support.
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March 12th, 2025
MarsEdit 5.3.3 is now available on the MarsEdit site and on the Mac App Store.
This update includes a number of bug fixes, as well as a change to allow users to edit the “Summary” text for a post by editing what MarsEdit refers to as the “Excerpt.”
Complete list of changes for this release:
- Enabled the Excerpt field on blogs to edit “Summary” text
- Fix a crash that could occur when editing long lines in the plain text editor
- Fix a bug that prevented the JavaScript browser bookmarklet from working on some sites
- Fix a bug that caused duplicated text when using dictation in rich text
- Differentiate errors from Jetpack about IP address being flagged from regular login failures
- Handle “Too Many Requests” responses more intelligently, retrying after the recommended delay when possible
- Fix a bug that could cause the “New Blog” panel to get very tall and not shrink again
- Remove media assets from the list of “posts” returned by AppleScript
If you enjoy MarsEdit, please consider writing a review or rating the app on the Mac App Store, spreading the word on Facebook, other social networks, or of course, by writing about the app on your own blog! Thanks for your support.
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March 2nd, 2025
Black Ink for iOS 2.3 is now available on the App Store
This update is jam-packed with new features, usability improvements, and bug fixes. Two of the most fundamental changes to the app are the addition of support for viewing solving status, and for viewing puzzle notes, so I’ll describe those in a bit more detail.
Solving Status
Anybody who uses Black Ink regularly will be familiar with the process of going into the app, tapping your favorite puzzle source, and trying to determine whether there’s something new to solve. With no indication of what was new, or already solved, it could be a bit frustrating. But now, Black Ink will not only show you the date for each puzzle, but also whether you’ve started solving or completed it. Tap the round button in the upper-right corner to filter all the completed puzzles out of sight:
Puzzle Notes
This update also adds support for viewing puzzle notes, and hiding solved puzzles. Coming along for free with the “hiding solved puzzles” feature is an indicator in the puzzle list that shows whether a given puzzle is
e the ability to hide solved puzzles and view puzzle notes, but the update also includes all the following changes:

Everything Else
On top of those main user-facing features, there’s a long list of improvements, big and small that are included in this update:
- Redesigned “Actions” menu with standard menu interface
- Added a menu item for opening Settings to the Actions menu
- Clue text is now “Smartened” for prettier quotes, dashes, and ellipses (“”, ‘’, —, …)
- Puzzle notes can now be viewed when available for a puzzle
- Puzzle date and completion status are now shown along with the puzzle title
- Puzzle lists can be filtered to show only puzzles that have not been completed
- A progress indicator is now shown after clicking the download puzzle button
- Overlay images are now drawn on top of the puzzle grid contents and clue numbers
- Restored header and footer sections on printed pages
- Multi-character answers are now inset slightly more from the edge of the square
- Fixed a bug that could cause overlay images to draw outside the bounds of the puzzle grid
- Fixed a bug that caused special answer entry to sometimes fill adjacent squares
- Improved performance when loading a list with lots of puzzles
- Improved performance of puzzle printing
If you enjoy Black Ink, please consider writing a review or rating the app on the App Store, and spreading the word on social media! Thanks for your support.
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February 26th, 2025
FastScripts 3.3.6 is now available on the FastScripts home page, or by selecting “Check for Update” from the FastScripts menu.
This update restores the menu bar icon’s progress indicator while launching, when processing the script folder’s scripts takes a longer-than-instantaneous amount of time. This behavior was standard in FastScripts for years and I inadvertently broke it in 2022, and neglected to notice until now!
This update also fixes a crashing bug that was introduced in version 3.3.5, which could affect users who deleted or renamed scripts while FastScripts was running.
Complete list of changes for this release:
- Restore display of the progress indicator in menu bar while launching
- Fix a crash that could occur while adding or removing scripts to the scripts folder
If you enjoy FastScripts, please consider spreading the word to your friends! Thanks for your support.
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