Updated Help Article: MarsEdit Alternatives

April 2nd, 2021

I’m often asked by MarsEdit users which other blogging applications I’d recommended. Usually, the person asking is a happy MarsEdit customer who is struggling to find a suitable alternative on Windows or iOS, but sometimes they are looking to scratch an itch that MarsEdit just isn’t suited for.

I’m sure I don’t know about all the various options available, but I’ve started a reference article on the Red Sweater Help that will hopefully serve to help people who are searching for alternatives. It currently lists BlogJet and Open Live Writer for Windows, Micro.blog, Ulysses, and Drafts for the Mac, and the official WordPress apps for multiple platforms.

Read Red Sweater Help: MarsEdit Alternatives.

I am strong believer in serving the customer both when I can, and when I can’t. If I offer the best solution for a customer’s needs, I am delighted to serve them directly. But when somebody else has a better offering, I’m also delighted to send the customer “down the street”, so to speak. If anybody knows of blogging solutions apart from those I’ve listed, please drop me a line and let me know!