FastScripts 3.0.6: Bartender Compatability and Scriptability Enhancements

January 20th, 2022

FastScripts 3.0.6 is now available on the FastScripts home page, or by selecting “Check for Update” from the FastScripts menu.

This update includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements to the scriptability of FastScripts itself. Notably, it addresses a problem that could occur when the Bartender utility is being used to manage menu bar icons. This update fixes a problem where selecting a script item from the FastScripts menu would behave as though the Command key were held down, and reveal the shortcut editing interface for the script in FastScripts’s preferences.

Scriptability enhancements include the ability to specify an arbitrary script file to execute via FastScripts, for example, if you write a script to “/tmp/myScript.scpt” you could invoke it with

tell app "FastScripts" to invoke posix file "/tmp/myScript.scpt"

The list of scripts that are currently being run by FastScripts is now also exposed via the app’s scripting interface. For example, to preemptively terminate the first running script task:

tell app "FastScripts" to force stop script task 1

Here’s the complete list of changes for this release:

  • Fix an interaction with Bartender app that caused the Preferences panel to open when selecting a script
  • Re-fix an issue that caused custom colored menu bar icons to appear enabled on secondary screens
  • Remove NSAppleScriptEnabled Info.plist key from FastScripts Script Runner
  • New preference to hide the Scriptlight search field in the FastScripts menu
  • Scriptability enhancements to FastScripts itself
    • The “invoke” command can now be called with an arbitrary file as the parameter to run scripts outside of your script collection
    • New “script tasks” element provides access to running tasks, which can be force quit via script
    • New “preferences window” property provides scripted access to showing preferences window

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