MarsEdit 5.2: Search, Microposting, and Preview Improvements

May 29th, 2024

MarsEdit 5.2 is now available on the MarsEdit site and the Mac App Store.

This update includes a number of long-requested (and some more recently-requested!) improvements, and a some bug fixes.

Search & Find Improvements

The “Search” field in the main window now features a filter selection to toggle between searching everything or searching just the current selection.

Inline “Find” support is now available in the rendered versions of posts in the Preview Window or Main Window.

Micropost Panel

New defaults are available under Settings -> Blogs -> Publishing to specify which Categories, Tags, and Post Kind should be used when publishing with the Micropost panel.

Web Preview Performance

The live Web Preview is now even more performant, using an approach wherein only the modified portion of a post is updated in the preview as you type. Additionally, posts with embedded scripts should now have the scripts run as part of the preview process.

Duplicate Posts

A new menu item for duplicating posts makes it easy to create an all-new post starting with the content of an exiting draft or post. The new post is stripped of any relationship to the original so that publishing it to the same blog, for example, will not update the original post.

The ability to duplicate posts may serve as an aid on blogs where posts repeatedly follow the same pattern or template. You might, for example, keep a Local Draft “starting point” and use that to create duplicates which are then fleshed out and published.

Options Side Panel

The Options side panel has been revised so that the section titled “Server Options” is now named “Publication” and presented at the top of the side panel. This section now features a new inline editor for the publication date of a post, and an icon to quickly bring up the interactive calendar-based date selector.

And more…

This update includes a number of other little improvements and bug fixes. Here is the complete list of changes:

  • Search now supports searching all blogs or just the selected blog
  • New per-blog default settings for Micropost categories, tags, and post format
  • Added “Duplicate Post” menu item to create a new post with the same content as an existing post
  • Web preview enhancements
    • Smarter preview updating for higher performance and less reloading of embedded content like movies
    • Now runs embedded <script> nodes in blog post content to support various dynamically updated elements
    • Can now use “Find” to search post content displayed in the main window or preview window
  • Revised design of the Options side panel, renaming “Server Options” to “Publication”
  • Added published date to the Options side panel
  • Alt Text field in Upload Utility and Media Manager now grows vertically to accommodate longer descriptions
  • Double-clicking a date in the calendar date picker now selects and dismisses the panel
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix a bug that caused blogs to download more posts than specified in settings
    • Forbidden characters are now stripped from XML data when parsing a server response fails
    • Fix a bug introduced in 5.1.4 that caused “offset” parameters to be encoded as boolean in XMLRPC
    • Fix a cosmetic issue in the Software Updater when switching from light to dark mode
    • Fix a bug where dragging an image to the end of a line in the plain text editor would drop it on the following line

If you enjoy MarsEdit, please consider writing a review or rating the app on the Mac App Store, spreading the word on Facebook, other social networks, or of course, by writing about the app on your own blog! Thanks for your support.