Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

Instapaper Keyboard Shortcut

Friday, January 14th, 2011

Like many people these days, I am using Marco Arment’s Instapaper to facilitate effortless postponement of reading longer, potentially interesting content I find on the web. Marco provides a handy bookmarklet that you can add to your browser’s button bar, so when you find something cool you just click “Read Later” and it gets added […]

Jump To PayPal Transaction

Friday, April 16th, 2010

I complained on Twitter about PayPal’s unfortunate transaction search utility, which doesn’t recognize the transaction ID itself as a search term. Georg C. Brückmann chimed in with a semi-solution, which is a URL template you can use to jump directly to a PayPal transaction by ID. Take the root PayPal URL for your country, and […]

FastScripts Plugin For Google Quick Search Box

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

I love to be surprised by what customers manage to do with my products, so I was thrilled when Martin Kühl wrote to tell me about his GitHub project that provides a FastScripts plugin for Google Quick Search Box. If you’re not familiar with Google Quick Search Box, it’s basically a Quicksilver-style launcher, which can […]

FastScripts 2.5

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Today I released an updated version of FastScripts with some pretty cool features and bug fixes: Now supports running plain-text .applescript files The FastScripts menu icon can now be changed to a custom color Alter appearance of menu so it doesn’t have rounded top corners on 10.6 Bug Fixes Fix glitches with “Smart Switching” on […]