Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

FastScripts As Apple Menu

Monday, September 15th, 2008

Jim DeVona was feeling homesick recently for the old Apple menu on Mac OS 9 and earlier operating systems. For those of you too young (or too old!) to remember, the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of our Mac desktops used to contain a highly customizable list of files and applications, for easy access […]

Safari Link Exposer

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

I think that for any business with an internet presence, an important part of running and growing that business is being astutely aware of your surroundings. In particular, that means recognizing when people on the internet are talking about you, and responding to or engaging them when it’s appropriate. Typically when a person on the […]

Filling The Gaps

Monday, December 10th, 2007

When Leopard was released over a month ago, I proudly announced that Red Sweater’s applications were Leopard ready. Well, it was true, but as I suspect is the case for most software developers, little wrinkles in behavior have slowly shown up as more and more users upgrade to the latest cat. Today I released two […]

FastScripts Keyboard Shortcuts On Leopard

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

It has been brought to my attention that some users are experiencing a bug with FastScripts on Leopard, where keyboard shortcuts just seem to “stop working.” Unfortunately when this happens, there are no helpful clues in the console, and the application seems to need to be quit and relaunched for shortcuts to start firing again. […]