Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

FastScripts 2.3.4

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Those of you who are using FastScripts with the forthcoming Leopard 10.5 operating system from Apple will want to upgrade to FastScripts 2.3.4, which works better in that environment. I don’t talk a lot about FastScripts these days, because I’ve been so busy focusing on other applications. But it’s still a really big part of […]

Twitter Undo

Saturday, July 21st, 2007

There are three things you should know about Twitter: You should use Twitterrific on your Mac. You only get 140 characters to make your point. Once you’ve made your point, it can’t be edited. It’s really frustrating when you type out a tweet quickly and send, only to realize that you’ve made an embarrassing typo […]


Thursday, June 7th, 2007

O’Reilly’s MacDevCenter has posted the most definitive article I’ve ever seen on attaching keyboard shortcuts to scripts: Hit-and-Run: Launching AppleScripts With Keyboard Shortcuts Jochen Wolters explains the why and the how in brilliant detail. Of course, I’m also excited that his description of the how settles on FastScripts and QuickSilver as the best choices. I […]

FastScripts 2.3.2

Monday, June 4th, 2007

FastScripts 2.3.2 has been released, and contains a few very significant bug fixes: Support for aliases to folders in script hierarchy! Improve performance of syncing changes to script folders Fix display of keyboard shortcuts on non-US keyboard layout Avoid adding menu item separators for empty script folders This was easily the most difficult bug-fix release […]