Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

FastScripts 2.3 Beta Release

Sunday, September 3rd, 2006

I imagine FastScripts users might be feeling a little neglected, what with all the attention I’ve been giving FlexTime over the past several months. But worry not, I’ve been collecting improvements for FastScripts all along, and am nearly ready to release a 2.3 version of the app. It’s actually pretty close to ready for shipping. […]

A Gentle Touch

Monday, July 24th, 2006

Anybody who packages software (or other files) for distribution on the Mac is probably familiar with the tedious process of setting up the icons “just right” in the Finder so that when your customer opens the folder for your app, they see things neatly organized the way you left them. I don’t know how many […]

Universal Appeal

Friday, January 27th, 2006

Today I’m posting two updates: a minor revision to FastScripts, and a major version upgrade to Clarion. In addition to more tangible features, both FastScripts and Clarion are now Universal – tested on a Core Duo iMac. To Apple’s credit, I spent more time getting to the iMac (I don’t own one yet – waiting […]

Death-Diffying Moves

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

One of the aspects of being a professional software developer that is a real grind is the tedious, careful double-checking we must do in order to reduce the odds that our work will lead to some major metropolitan area bursting into flames. Double-checking means diffing. Diffing is hard. Even with somewhat friendly tools at our […]