Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

FastScripts for Free

Tuesday, December 27th, 2005

I’ve decided to make a slimmed-down version of FastScripts available, starting immediately in conjunction with a minor 2.2.7 upgrade of FastScripts. FastScripts Lite [d/l] offers much of the same organizational and performance functionality of FastScripts, at an infinitely lower price. What you don’t get in FastScripts Lite is best summed up by what you do […]

Kids in the Park

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

What I love about the web and blogging is the chaotic and largely egalitarian nature of publicity and “exposure” that the medium offers. In 2005, a computer programmer of modest means can fire up MarsEdit and get a message to the world as quickly as he or she can type it. Some of you who […]

Quickly Find Project Files in Xcode

Sunday, November 6th, 2005

I like the Search-Fieldy kind of thing in Xcode. If you select the top-level project item in the “Groups and Files”, and then enter something in the search box, it makes it really easy to pinpoint a particular file that is contained by your project. Apple even gave this search box thingy a keyboard shortcut, […]

Victory over “[Process Completed]”!

Sunday, October 23rd, 2005

I have been plagued by a bug I see often in Terminal. I know it’s been at least months, and it may have even been years. But it’s gotten worse lately. I call it the “phantom [Process Completed] bug.” The symptoms of this issue are that every so often an innocent attempt to open a […]