Archive for the 'FlexTime' Category

FlexTime Remotely

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

FlexTime begs to be controlled remotely. That is, from across the room where you’re doing your dance, meditation, or presentation. Apple is shipping remote controls with more and more of its computers, but has done little to enable integration with 3rd party applications. Fortunately two great applications exist for managing the remote’s functionality in a […]

Mea Culpa: FlexTime Scripted Cues

Friday, September 15th, 2006

FlexTime has a major flaw in it where references to AppleScripts are not reliably saved/restored in routine documents. I’ve fixed the problem but it actually required quite a bit of change to my scripting code. So… I’m both embarrassed about the bug and nervous about the changes. Rather than release an update and hope for […]

FlexTime 1.0.3

Friday, September 1st, 2006

I released FlexTime 1.0.3 today, the most substantial “bug fix” update yet. This version fixes a few teeny bugs, expands scripting support to include “time remaining” and “elapsed time” for activities, and extends the “shorthand input” to the duration text box. So now you can just type “30s” or “15m” for instance into the duration […]

FlexTime + Growl == No Procrastination

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Chanpory Rith of LiveClever has come up with an… umm… clever way of hooking up FlexTime’s scripted cues to Growl for, as he puts it, a “gentler way to end procrastination.” I love to see these creative applications of FlexTime’s scriptable interfaces, and hope to see more as people work through the possibilities.