Archive for the 'Red Sweater News' Category

MarsEdit 3.6.2: Tumblr Security Fix

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

MarsEdit 3.6.2 is available now from the MarsEdit home page, and has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review by Apple. Last night Tumblr revealed on their staff blog that the Tumblr for iOS app sends a user’s password in plain-text when authenticating for the service. They published an updated version of the […]

MarsEdit 3.6: Bug Fixes With A Twist

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

MarsEdit 3.6 is now available. This is a free update for licensed MarsEdit customers. The update has been submitted to the Mac App Store and will be available there when Apple approves the update. This update is primarily a “bug fixes” release, that is to say, no new features. However, I am allergic to version numbers such as […]

Blogger Auto-Configuration Failures

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Recently something changed in the format of Blogger blogs such that MarsEdit’s method of “auto-configuring” is now failing. This does not affect existing configurations in MarsEdit, but any new Blogger blog added to MarsEdit will fail to connect with a cryptic “Invalid Blog ID” error. I’ve added a workaround of the problem to the Red […]

Squarespace 5 Workaround

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

As I noted last year, when Squarespace released version 6 of their popular web hosting service, they opted not to continue supporting 3rd party blog editors such as MarsEdit. Luckily for fans of MarsEdit who were already hosting with Squarespace version 5, they left support in place, and it has remained mostly functional for the […]