Interview With Ars Technica

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

I met so many amazing people at WWDC, among them Jacqui Cheng and Clint Ecker of Ars Technica. Imagine how honored I was when they invited me to be interviewed on video for the blog? I think it came out pretty well, all things considered. You’ll get a sense for my speaking voice, and also […]

Subscribe Less To Read More

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Data syndication has changed my life. And, if you’re reading this (or space-barring past it!), it’s probably changed yours, too. A long time ago, but not so long ago that there weren’t any good web sites yet, if you wanted a break from the daily humdrum of your job or life, you might find yourself […]

Wasn’t I Cute?

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

A variety of influences tonight pointed me towards my earliest published article, for MacTech, in 1999 or so: MascBug Revisited I was really just a kid. But I had learned an awful lot about debugging, thanks to my awesome job in the Apple system integration team. I guess that made me feel pretty confident about […]

Two Years Running

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

This Sunday will mark the two year anniversary of Red Sweater Blog. I find it hard to believe it’s been such a long time, and yet such a short time, since I started writing here. With over 360 posts so far, I guess I’m averaging about one every two days. Not bad, for a busy […]