The Potion Store

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

Dude! Want to make a bunch of developers your best friend? Then write an online payment processing framework, allowing new developers to easily harness the power of PayPal or Google Checkout. That’s what Andy Kim of The Potion Factory just did. This is definitely one of those “wish I could run Rails” moments. Still, a […]

WebKit’s New Element Inspector

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

The WebKit team is picking up on Steve Jobs’s “one more thing” habit, announcing yesterday a new HTML element inspector, built into the latest WebKit nightly downloads. Play around with it for just a few minutes and your jaw will drop. It’s especially fun to click around the DOM hierarchy and watch as WebKit obscures […]

Observing Collections With Bindings

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I just noticed a new section on mmalc’s very helpful “Cocoa Bindings Examples and Hints”: Observing a Collection I have personally found this very confusing when I’ve used bindings in my projects. The problem arises when you’ve got application model data stored in some “free” data structure like a dictionary or array. The model data […]

Late Night Cocoa: WWDC Round Table

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Scotty invited Gus Mueller, Guy English, Wil Shipley, and myself on board for a little post-WWDC chat.