Archive for the 'applebugfriday' Category

Lazy Parent Views

Thursday, October 6th, 2005

As a Cocoa programmer, it’s easy to take for granted some of the powerful features of the framework. For instance, autoresizing subviews are a godsend! This is the feature that allows for all of those amazing Interface Builder demos where a few flags are set on the buttons and text views in a window, and […]

Interprocess Dragging is a Drag (Sometimes)

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

My “Apple Bug Friday” entries today are both related to a really cool feature of Mac OS X: process switching while dragging. As the operating system has evolved, dragging in general has improved. One of my favorite improvements is that while dragging you can now invoke the Cmd-Tab process switcher keys to bring another application […]

Bonus bugs with GDB

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

I guess the last bug report got me in the mood, and since it’s 11:55 here in Somerville, I have time to write up a quickie that I just noticed again, while investigating the other bug I reported tonight! This is an obscure bug, but part of my reason for sharing it in a post […]

Bug Report Friday

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

When I first read Dan Wood’s plan for Report-An-Apple-Bug Friday, I was amused but a little disgruntled by the idea. Turns out this once long-term Apple employee has a bit more loyalty than he thought he did. Or is it just empathy? The part that turned me off was the idea that everybody should cooperate […]