Archive for the 'Hacking' Category

C Is The New Assembly

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

John Gruber was recently featured for a second time on Dan Benjamin’s instantly-awesome Hivelogic Podcast. I’m glad that Jesper heard and was intrigued by some of the same comments I was, because he reminded me that I wanted to comment on a subtle but worth-repeating impression that I took away. The comments are those pertaining […]

Cocoa-Java Porting Step 1: Triage

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

When I chose to purchase an existing Java-based Cocoa application, I knew I was taking on some risk. Mac OS X still has a technology within it called the Cocoa-Java bridge, which makes it relatively easy for Java classes to participate in the Cocoa runtime, automatically translating objects like arrays and strings to their language-specific […]

iPhone Developer Reaction

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

The . message . from . developers . is . clear. We want to develop for it. And in our realm, that is the sincerest form of flattery. Many of us also want to use it. And quickly. If Apple were to open the device up for development, it would also have the effect of […]

Missing Link

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Update: I shouldn’t be so trigger-happy with blog entries. Summary of this post: long, boring analysis of how I thought I was tracking down a bug in ld. Followed by a mea culpa explaining that I’d gotten it all wrong. Enjoy! Special thanks to Eric Albert for patiently showing me the error of my ways. […]