Archive for the 'Programming' Category

OMG BBEdit HTML Code Folding

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

I’m doing some modest revision to my web site, when I notice one of those stupid HTML glitches where you’re just positive you must have forgotten to close a tag or something. Thanks to the generally forgiving nature of most web browsers, the page looks more or less OK, except that some table column is […]

Cocoa-Java Porting Step 1: Triage

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

When I chose to purchase an existing Java-based Cocoa application, I knew I was taking on some risk. Mac OS X still has a technology within it called the Cocoa-Java bridge, which makes it relatively easy for Java classes to participate in the Cocoa runtime, automatically translating objects like arrays and strings to their language-specific […]

Xcode Pasteboard Accumulator

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

Way back in the MPW days, I used to rely heavily on an extension for the IDE that put powerful pasteboard manipulation tools in the window header. Essentially these tools let you treat your pasteboard like a stack, so you could easily accumulate multiple copies and then paste them all out at once. For some […]

Making Omni Cry

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

There has been some speculation among my programmer buddies that Omni has lost a developer. Given the recent job listing for a Senior Cocoa Coder, many figured they must be restocking the talent. I figured they were just growing (and they may well be), but it turns out they did lose a developer, and quite […]