Archive for the 'FastScripts' Category

FastScripts 3.2.5: Regex Multiline Modifiers

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

FastScripts 3.2.5 is now available on the FastScripts home page, or by selecting “Check for Update…” from the FastScripts menu. This update includes a couple enhancements to the FastScripts Text Suite, which offers free regular expression utilities to all FastScripts users. Specifically, two new parameters are available, which enable the common “multiline” (/m) and “dot […]

Smart Web Page Opening with FastScripts

Friday, March 3rd, 2023

FastScripts, our macOS scripting utility, facilitates organizing and running your scripts from its menu bar icon, or by keyboard shortcut. It serves many roles as a script runner, but also includes a number of built-in features that augment the baseline features available to AppleScript scripts. One of those useful features is the open web page […]

FastScripts 3.2.4: Prevent Lost Keyboard Shortcuts

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

FastScripts 3.2.4 is now available on the FastScripts home page, or by selecting “Check for Update” from the FastScripts menu. This update makes another attempt to address a rare issue that causes configured keyboard shortcuts for scripts to be cleared after restarting the Mac and relaunching FastScripts. I am optimistic this update will finally address […]

FastScripts 3.2.3: Better ASObjC Performance

Sunday, November 20th, 2022

FastScripts 3.2.3 is now available on the FastScripts home page, or by selecting “Check for Update” from the FastScripts menu. This update improves performance when invoking scripts that use AppleScriptObjC to import functionality from Foundation or AppKit. Several advanced FastScripts users reported issues after upgrading from FastScripts 2 to FastScripts 3, that such scripts had […]