Archive for the 'Indie' Category

C4: Application Acquisition

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Wolf has been releasing videos from last year’s C4 Conference, at which I was a speaker. I have been sort of looking forward to and fearing the release of my speech, Application Acquisition, which just went live. Seeing yourself on video is like the exaggerated version of hearing your own voice on tape. I really […]

You Put Your Brain In It

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Gus Mueller of Flying Meat has released VoodooPad 3.5, with a bunch of new features and fixes, including built-in support for editing images in an external app such as, oh, Acorn for instance. Man, I’ve gotta figure out how to link my products up better! If you haven’t tried VoodooPad before, Gus’s one-line description “you […]

SuperDuper! Tuesday

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Hah! This one isn’t political, folks. You can take your finger off the unsubscribe button. :) Dave Nanian, my friend over at Shirt Pocket, and member of the small yet powerful association of clothing-inspired software name consortium, has released the much anticipated SuperDuper! 2.5. The release is timed appropriately to fall on the day when […]

Indie Biz For Sale

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

At the C4 conference last year, I talked about software acquisition, and about how you might find potential applications that are looking to be taken over by a new owner. Sometimes, it’s as easy as reading a blog post. Lee Falin announces his desire to sell his company, and exit the Mac indie software business. […]